• Personal,  Self-Improvement

    How to get rid of Imposter Syndrome

    So, what exactly is Imposter Syndrome? Have you ever had that feeling of being inadequate in a professional or even personal setting? Such as a time when you know you have vast knowledge in a subject area, but keep the experience to yourself, because you think ‘who am I to say this’. That’s Imposter Syndrome. This article aims to take…

  • Personal,  Self-Improvement

    How positive affirmation can banish self-doubt

    So, how can positive affirmation banish self-doubt? There are many ways to answer this question, and it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. However, the best place to start is by defining affirmation. Definition affirmation/afəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun I know this might sound cheesy. Your first thought may be, ‘What complete bollocks’, but hear me out. The idea of Happy Distraction…

  • Book Review

    The Miracle Morning | A Review

    Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning introduces transformative practices for personal development. The book reveals Elrod’s journey from a near-fatal accident to becoming a successful author and motivational speaker. His "Life S.A.V.E.R.S." routine (Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing) offers a simple yet powerful way to start your day. While some might find parts of it preachy, especially regarding religion,…

  • Controversial Corner

    Controversial Corner #2

    Controversial corner is the part of the show where we share a question (perhaps a controversial one), we gather answers from our listeners and share some of them on the podcast. You can listen to Episode #7 here to listen to the second lot of answers, but this blog post features every answer we’ve received on the subject, and they are definitely…

  • Podcast

    Episode #7 – Available now

    Episode #7 is available to listen to right now! Take a listen below, or check out the different ways in which you can listen by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it! Player not working? Try clicking here to be taken directly to the website podcast page. Episode #7 – Sexy Hotdogs Show Notes: Welcome to Episode #7 – of Happy Distraction (Sorry Kirsty…

  • Controversial Corner

    Controversial Corner #1

    Controversial corner is the part of the show where we share a question (perhaps a controversial one), we gather answers from our listeners and share some of them on the podcast. You can listen to Episode #6 here to listen to the first lot of answers, but this blog post features every answer we’ve received on the subject, and they are definitely…

  • Podcast

    Episode #6 – Available now

    Episode #6 is available to listen to right now! Take a listen below, or check out the different ways in which you can listen by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it! Player not working? Try clicking here to be taken directly to the website podcast page. Episode #6 – The Girl with the Spyro Tattoo Show Notes: Welcome to Episode #6 of Happy…

  • Movie Review,  Uninformed

    Windfall – Movie Review

    In my review of "Windfall," I reluctantly dive into a narrative void of substance or intrigue. Initially intrigued by its premise, I soon found myself lamenting the wasted time. The film follows a chaotic sequence of events as a mysterious burglar and unwitting victims collide in a tale devoid of character depth or meaningful plot development. Despite flashes of potential,…

  • Podcast

    Bonus Jubilee Episode – Available now

    A bonus Jubilee episode is available to listen to right now! So take a listen below, or check out the different ways in which you can listen by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it! Disclaimer: If you are a royalist, or offended by jokes about the Queen and/or the Royal family, then this episode may not be for you, so please listen…

  • Podcast

    Bonus Pride Episode – Available now

    A bonus pride episode is available to listen to right now! Take a listen below, or check out the different ways in which you can listen by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it! Player not working? Try clicking here to be taken directly to the website podcast page. The LGBTQIA+ community is such an important community and has suffered years of abuse and…