• Podcast

    Episode #9 – Available now

    Episode #9 is available to listen to right now! Take a listen below, or check out the different ways in which you can listen by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it! Player not working? Try clicking here to be taken directly to the website podcast page. Episode #9 – Lickey End Show Notes: **Listener discretion is advised. This episode is filthy** Welcome to Episode #9 – Lickey End. Happy Distraction is the feel-good, guilt-free, good kind of distraction. In today’s show, your hosts, Dylan and Kirsty, chat about all things filth. From Doctors piece to bellend we have it all. We play one hell of a tricky game in Kirsty Vs. Dylan and…

  • Podcast

    Bonus Trivia Episode – Available now

    A bonus Trivia episode is available to listen to right now! So take a listen below, or check out the different ways in which you can listen by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it! Player not working? Try clicking here to be taken directly to the website podcast page. Brucey Bonus Episode: Trivia Galore Show notes: Welcome to our 5th Brucey bonus edition of Happy Distraction – Trivia Galore. Curious about this episode? Then read on, my friend… In the Show today:50 minutes of none stop trivia featuring questions from various categories. This episode has something for everyone. This episode has questions from the below categories: Take a listen to one giant edition…