Movie Review,  Uninformed

Windfall – Movie Review

My Rating:

Genre: Crime/Thriller

Stars: Jason Segel, Lily Collins, Jesse Plemons

Director: Charlie McDowell

Release Date: 18th March 2022

Runtime: 92 Minutes

Source: IMDb – Windfall

Synopsis: A man breaks into a tech billionaire’s empty vacation home, but things go sideways when the arrogant mogul and his wife arrive for a last-minute getaway.

My Thoughts on the Windfall Movie

I only watched this film because Kirsty chose it for our uninformed segment, where we have to guess what a movie/TV show/book is about based on its name and cover/poster (if you’re interested in what I thought Windfall was about, check out this post).

To be honest, I’m never going to get that hour and a half back. I feel like I could have been doing so many other better things, like literally anything. I’d rather have watched a spin cycle on the washing machine or I’d rather have painted the bedroom and then watched it dry. You get the point, I don’t need to go on.

My Windfall Movie Review

The movie centres around this random guy who we know nothing about (and get to know nothing about). They then rob a holiday home of a rich man and his wife. Shock horror, the rich man and his wife turn up while he’s doing the robbing and chaos ensues. He collects some money from the house and other valuables such as Rolex watches. Then he locks the rich man and his wife in the sauna, and then goes merrily on his way until… He spots a camera randomly located in a tree where he’s parked his car, oh shit now he’s done it!

So the random guy runs back to the house and decides that he now needs some money to start a new life. Then all three people negotiate terms, with the rich man and the wife suggesting he needs more than he’s asking for. Like what? If you were being robbed, and asked for $50,000 you wouldn’t be like “oh I think you need more, how about $300,000” err that’s not how extortion works guys. They eventually settle on $500,000 and the rich man gets to work on obtaining the money, and OMG they only have to wait until the following afternoon, Jesus how will they cope!

I don’t even know what to say at this point, other than it’s just pretty shit. There’s a lot of moaning about what is happening, and they all just sit and bitch about each other, and then they go to bed. The morning comes, and the fricking gardener pops up, and yep, you guessed it, he’s a hostage now as well. Then the money turns up and…

Click here for a Spoiler

The gardener, the random guy and the rich guy all die!

The End.

Final thoughts

There is absolutely zero character development in this film. We don’t get to learn anything about the protagonist, and we learn nothing about why he’s robbing these particular people. It is a completely unnecessary film; zero thought has gone into it, and it’s just downright pretty terrible. Maybe I’m missing the point, can someone please fill me in? If you liked this, are you okay? Did we watch the same thing? 😆 I’m kidding, some people may like it, but it’s just not for me and it’s pretty pointless. I was going to give this movie 0.5 stars, but because I wasn’t expecting the ending, I upgraded it to 1.5 stars. It certainly does not deserve anything higher (shame on you, IMDb raters). Ultimately don’t waste your time, spend that 92 minutes doing literally anything else.

My Rating:

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My name is Dylan and I like anything tech-related, ironically I work in tech as an Integration Specialist. I recently graduated with a First Class Honours degree from the University of Sunderland. You can usually find me reading a book, playing a game or endlessley scrolling TikTok :D

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