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Bonus Halloween Episode – Available now

A bonus Halloween episode is available to listen to right now! So take a listen below, or check out the different ways in which you can listen by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it!

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Brucey Bonus Episode: Halloween Edition

Show notes:

Happy Halloween from Kirsty & Dylan!

Welcome to the 4th Brucey bonus edition of Happy Distraction. In this episode, we celebrate the spooky season (Halloween). Do you know your turnips from your pumpkins? Do you know how many seeds the average pumpkin has? If that doesn’t float your boat, maybe hearing some of the most iconic quotes from the horror genre will get you tingling. Listen to get distracted!

In the Show today:
Introduction: (00:25)
A Halloween-themed dad joke (of course): (02:20)
Hashtag Crashtag: (03:06)
Kirsty Vs. Dylan: (11:57)
In the Spotlight: (24:05)
Happy(ish) News: (33:22)
Goodbyes: (36:32)
A Spooky Surprise: (38:31)

Top quotes from the show:
I wasn’t privy to the vine generation” – Dylan.
“I am the most honest child my mam has
 okay?” – Kirsty.
“Also one of the teachers was scared of chickens” – Dylan.
“As soon as you said it, your soul left your body” – Kirsty.

Hashtag Crashtag:
In #HashtagCrashtag, we scour the internet for the funniest hashtags of all time and get Brian (the text-to-speech guy) to read them all out. This time it’s Halloween, so what better hashtags to use than #HalloweenFail and #WeirdestHalloweenEver Don’t miss out on these absolute corkers!

Kirsty Vs. Dylan:
Kirsty Vs. Dylan is the part of the show where Dylan proves he knows absolutely nothing about anything, and Kirsty knows something about well everything. Who will win in the head-to-head Halloween battle? 10 questions stand between the ultimate champion of Halloween who will it be? Why not play along, and see how many questions you can answer correctly?

In the Spotlight:
Halloween is firmly in the spotlight on today’s show, so what better way to celebrate it than by sharing a top 10 list of the most iconic movies ever, as voted by you, in a random poll (it’s on the internet, so it must be true). Do you agree with the list, let us know. We’re dying to hear from you. BUT
 not only that, but we’ll also be revealing the most iconic scary movie quotes of all time! Make sure you don’t listen after dark.

Aaaand, that’s just the beginning. Stick around to the end to hear a short surprise, so take a seat, get comfy and get distracted.

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We hope you enjoy listening, and we’ll see you in the next one!

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