Events,  Podcast

Happy International Podcast Day!

Happy International Podcast Day!

When we first launched our humble podcast in May 2022, we had a simple mission. That mission was to put a smile on your face!

Since then our little podcast has been streamed and downloaded from all 6 continents and listened to by hundreds of people (almost 500 to be precise). While we may not be one of the biggest podcasts around (with thousands of listeners), we’ve never changed our goal. No matter how big or small our community may be, we can promise to always take you away from the doom and gloom of the everyday world, and distract you through the rough (and the smooth) times.

Thank you for being in our corner, we’ll forever be in yours!

Please support a creator today by listening to a podcast on International Podcast Day! If you’d like to lend an ear to us, you can listen by clicking here.

Thank you, and we’ll see you in the next episode 😉

Oh and if you fancy a chat, send us a message here.

Happy International Podcast Day!

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