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    World Chocolate Day

    Happy world chocolate day! What’s your weapon of choice? For me, it’s good old classic Dairy Milk, and Dylan is partial to galaxy. We both absolutely love Lindt chocolate. If you don’t know what this is, have you been living under a rock? You NEED to try it if you haven’t already! Anyway, I thought that world choccy day deserved a blog post of its own. You know what goes well with a nice choccy? An episode of Happy Distraction, of course. Player not working? Try clicking here to be taken directly to the website podcast page. Please let us know what your favourite chocolate is in the comments below.

  • Events

    It’s National Hamburger Day

    If there is one thing that deserves its own blog post, it’s hamburgers! We absolutely love burgers, we’re pretty much obsessed at this stage. I know what you’re thinking, too much grease, too much fat, too unhealthy, blah blah blah. Let me tell you, they taste good! My go to is a meaty burger. With bacon, cheese and onions, and a bit of mayo, pickles and lettuce (but never tomato, eww). Kirsty’s go to is pretty much a plain Jane burger in a bun with some cheese and ketchup (booooring). Our absolute favourite burger place is Byron. Though sadly, there aren’t may of them around any more. Our nearest is…