• Personal,  Self-Improvement

    How to get rid of Imposter Syndrome

    So, what exactly is Imposter Syndrome? Have you ever had that feeling of being inadequate in a professional or even personal setting? Such as a time when you know you have vast knowledge in a subject area, but keep the experience to yourself, because you think ‘who am I to say this’. That’s Imposter Syndrome. This article aims to take you through some steps to get rid of Imposter Syndrome. It’s an extreme feeling of self-doubt despite your successes. Even if you have accomplishments or proof of success, you still feel like a fraud, and that can be difficult but not impossible to overcome. One simple and straightforward way to…

  • Personal,  Self-Improvement

    How positive affirmation can banish self-doubt

    So, how can positive affirmation banish self-doubt? There are many ways to answer this question, and it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. However, the best place to start is by defining affirmation. Definition affirmation/afəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun I know this might sound cheesy. Your first thought may be, ‘What complete bollocks’, but hear me out. The idea of Happy Distraction is to distract your mind from the everyday grind (also super cheesy, I know). So do me a favour, read this, and try it; it might work wonders for you! If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t. How can I use it? I must admit that I find personal affirmation a…

  • Personal

    Why I didn’t get a promotion – A story

    As discussed in Episode #2 of the podcast (you can listen to that here), I wanted to share a story about when I applied for a promotion but got rejected. We’ll take a look into why I didn’t get promoted and how that made me feel. You may be wondering why I’m choosing to share this. Is it because I’m sore and can’t let it go? I mean, probably a little bit, but it’s more to show you that you can often be the best candidate in the world, but sometimes your face doesn’t fit. This happens all too often. It sucks, but there’s a lesson to be learned, and…