• Events

    Happy Valentine’s Day

    So, as we all know, the 14th of February marks Valentine’s Day. Let us extend you a happy Valentine’s Day! For some, this is a day filled with happiness and chocolate and gifts and all that other sickly shit. For other’s it’s just another day. We sit somewhere in the middle. I guess you could say that we’re indifferent about it, we can take it or leave it. Just depends on what mood we’re in. We don’t tend to take ourselves too seriously, and we don’t need a special day to confirm our love for one another. However, if you’re finding yourself at a loose end and need some loving,…

  • Events

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New year! Thank you for listening to our little podcast throughout 2022. Your support has been truly appreciated, and we hope to see you soon as the chapter continues. They say that when one door closes, another opens, so look at the new year as an opportunity and go and kick ass. ❤️ As always if you want to chat, please feel free to reach out to us here. You can also listen to our podcast on Spotify here. Happy New Year!