
World Diabetes Day

November 14th marks World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is something close to my heart, as I have Type 2 diabetes. It’s not something I’m super proud of. I could have prevented this if I wasn’t an idiot and ignored medical advice. But here we are several years later and I am managing it well!

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Take it from me, please don’t ignore or brush off medical advice, it typically doesn’t end well. Diabetes runs in my family, so there was a very high chance that I’d develop this anyway. But living an unhealthy lifestyle for several years did not help the situation.

As cheesy as this sounds though, you live and you learn. I can’t turn back the clock. But despite being on medication likely for the rest of my life, it’s a small price to pay. I’m making changes which will hopefully see me going into remission.

Some people however are born with diabetes and need to be treated with insulin, and other medications. People who also don’t manage their diabetes well could also find themselves in serious trouble. The implications of not managing your diabetes can be fatal, it can lead to loss of sight or even loss of limbs. It’s a crazy condition that you need to treat, it’s just not worth ignoring medical advice.

If you’d like to learn more about what Diabetes is, you can read more about it here on the NHS website.

I recognise that got a little deep, but I can’t stress enough how important it is to look after yourself. If you think you are experiencing symptoms, it’s best to get it checked out as soon as you can. Prevention is better than cure, right?

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My name is Dylan and I like anything tech-related, ironically I work in tech as an Integration Specialist. I recently graduated with a First Class Honours degree from the University of Sunderland. You can usually find me reading a book, playing a game or endlessley scrolling TikTok :D

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